Test, use and enjoy it. Rabbit r1 personally

About i only found Single posts about cool function of the rabbit. Here a list of working and by myself testet things.

  1. change the name
    • ask the rabbit about is name. Ir directly say update your name.

Than ask him again for his name.

  1. Adding “things” to his answers
  • Just tell him to add for an example … a “Mister smile” to every answer he provide … until you tell him to stopp it.
  1. create a virtual ai
  • to start: "let us create a virtual assistant "
    Than provide the needed info or things you want him to be. Name, charakter, etc

  • to use the virtual created ai than

  • Tell the rabbit he should answer the next "x " questions in the way the just created ai would do … or also … let him first search normaly … and give him than the task … to convert the answer in a way tge created ai would do it.

  1. let him search your journal
    (needs a couple of entries already)
  • just say " search my rabbithile journal for … and provide me …" , “… everything you can find about”, whatever you need.
    And let him tell you als at which date he created the log.
    Just test it.

If there are more good ideas feel free to add them.



text is a bit confusing :frowning:

Sorry for making you confused… but maybe later somebody with a better english than my will test it and explain it in a better way.
It onky would be dump if anybody know, what stuff the rabbit is already able 2.

can always ask the rabbit to translate from your language :wink: