Something i reckon would be a cool addition

So i am absolutely loving the rabbit at the moment when it comes to things like the search engine to the translator. But i was surpised to find out that it didnt have a task manager and in all honesty that was one of the main reasons why i got the rabbit was for it record or keep track of things i need to get done. Im usually an om the spot thinker and i like to speak my thoughts aloud. If i dont have my phone on me or i am busy in the moment and cant create a reminder or alarm i usually will forget in the next few minutes and the reason i though the rabbit was an awesome idea is because i could say my reminder aloud to it and it would record and remember for me for whatever thing i had upcoming weather it be an on the day alarm to a reminder of a meeting i have within the month. I believe a task manager would be an absolutely awesome addition to the rabbit and id hope some others would agree with me. Other then that i truly believe this device is meant for big things in the future i cant wait to see what more the team can come up with :grin::grin:


hey Turbo, i absolutely agree, id love the R1 to do exactly what you describe, but also to recall the information and display it as scrollable lists on the display, with additonal functionality allowing the user to remove items when they have been actioned - particulalry useful for todo lists and shopping lists


Mate i absolutely agree to this man i hope the team will see this and consider adding it to the rabbit :grin:

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I was bummed when I asked it to “remind me to call my **** at 3pm” and it didn’t ping me. I do like the memory recall. I think in the future it will be great as they build out the rabbit hole!