Check the release notes post at the top and discuss here!
Awesome as usual. Thanks for all the hard work. A cool test and a suggested improvement…
A while back I told r1 my sons’ names and their birth dates. With global recall working now, and timers today, i asked (without using the names i had provided). When is my youngest son’s birthday? It answered with his name and gave me the correct date. Next i asked it to set an alarm for two days before his birthday. It did so. With the alarm set i went to confirm that it was set. Couldn’t find it in settings. Ok r1is a voice first product. “What alarms do i have?”. It displayed it. This is an Awesome update!
When i look at the alarm, there is no mention of the date or a title. A month from now will i remember what this alarm is for and when it is actually going to off? All it shows is the time. I’m wondering if it is going to sound tomorrow morning at 8AM or does it know the date? Please add titles and the date.
That makes perfect sense that would be nice to see a date when your alarm was set
Well, does that really work with an alarm clock? Wouldn’t it be better to copy the entire alarm clock function and paste it again. Then rename the copy in “Reminders” and add the date and titles? I’m always a fan of keeping things as simple as possible and in my opinion that would be the simplest and cleanest solution.
I just saw something:
Love the animation when an alarm goes off!
Of course the powerful element here is the “smart” part. I tried it with "find out the date and time of the next 2024 olympic event for which the Netherlands have a high chance of winning a medal and set an alarm to go off 15 minutes before the start. This has different results every time I try it but so far it never managed to succesfully set an alarm yet.
It’s great to have a basic alarm / timer function but the likely requests from users will be based on the timer/alarm functions they have on their phone:
- label alarms and timers
- change the alarm sound and volume
- change the snooze duration / disable snooze
- set multiple timers
- add a stop watch function
- have the option to pause a timer
In my view it would be better to have the R1 using LAM to set a smart timer / alarm on the “smart” phone. This would avoid having to copy the functionality that is already on the phone, would avoid having two devices with alarms and have Rabbit concentrate on perfecting the unique ability to use advanced requests and integrate across functions.
But they do not work as they are supposed to. I have already added a post on issues & bugs.
As for smart timers, Rabbit set a doctor’s appointment alarm in the middle of the night, and after correction, it did that again.
And it is very easy to turn off an alarm instead of snooze it.
There is also an issue with reminders. If I want to wake up at 6 AM, I set an alarm at 6 AM. If I have a doctor’s appointment, I will need the following:
- On any interaction with the rabbit the day before, have the following information: “You have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, and now I’m back to your request.”
- I have an alarm for about 20-15 minutes before leaving home.
- have a reminder about 5-15 min before appointment time.
While personally, I appreciate the addition of a smart alarm/timer I think that the addition of many superfluous programs would prevent users from exploring the full benefit of AI. Yes, I understand that there is convenience in having a timer on the device but wouldn’t it be just as simple to create a program that sets reads a news summary for a pre-set allotment of time or to have a program that shows where a shadow will fall/stars will be after a set amount of time. If I want to know if 5 mins are up, why not just hold my breath once or twice?
The rabbit won’t make coffee or take a dog for a walk, so giving it an assistant function seems the most logical conclusion.
Alarm went off at 8am this morning. I guess its only good for the next 23 hoirs not beyond that.
i added some point here ! If is to call them smart alarms and timers i think they would defiantly stand out with maybe such features at the moment there nothing smart about them
but is nice to have it, and i think what it was pointed out: multiple timers is a mush update, and as well to not interfere with recording in case alarms or timers need to alert.
There is only a single timer. However, multiple apps can work at the same time i.e. timer and Spotify or meeting assistant and settings
someone was pointing out that if alarm or timer is ringing during a recording you are loosing the recoding or the recording is interrupted. will make a test on it myself also for a next time.
I didn’t test that in this configuration. There should be a list of all applets (as you can’t call a function a separate app). Searching through updates is confusing as those contain beta features as well.