Can we tone down the sensitivity of the shake to settings, either i’m heavy handed or it’s to sensitive and it’s of course not my fault.
It just started this. Yeah its annoying, just barely moving it opens settings, Do we even need shake into setting anymore since we can open settings with voice?
I agree, it’s incredibly sensitive. I think both Jesse and myself are in agreement on this. It may make sense to remove shake entirely, or make it optional.
I was cycling with the r1 in my pocket and was trying to listen to some music.
It was stopping the music every few second because r1 was trying to open settings.
Had to turn off music because it was useless.
I think it makes sense. I constantly open settings by mistake.
Maybe some wiggle gesture with the wheel could work. From modes where the wheel is not active, at least.
More user options/control are always better. Three modes for ‘shake for settings menu’: ‘sensitive’ (current), ‘less sensitive’ (needs a better name), and ‘disabled’.
I’d be using ‘less sensitive’ probably. I actually like the shake for settings feature.
in my opinion the shake setting are still crazy sensitive even after the last update, seems I keep opening them constantly driving me nuts for instance i just asked it a question and laid it down on the arm of my recliner and looked down and the settings were open.
Yeah same, there must be a better way lols this feels like something which need’s military precision to get right for the team
If we have the option to disable it we will need another non voice way to activate it still as voice only works with a network connection so you could end up locked out of your device. Maybe some PTT shake combo or something.
Scrolling up when the device is on, wake up device and scroll up to settings would make sense to me
As far as I can tell, this was on purpose via the release notes. I guess you can read it either way, but to me it read that it made it detect more shaking.
This is what they’re spending their time updating. Better jitter detection. smh.
I wish shake could just be disabled. My 2 year old loves taking pictures and talking to it but doesn’t understand why settings pop up.
I agree, it always comes on unwanted. Can’t we have a triple click option or simply ask to “open settings” option
This has been an issue for quite some time, Simon agreed they were to high 40 days ago but nothing has changed, I cant use the r1 without accidently opening the settings all the time and its absolutely maddening to me. We have had several updates since then so it appears they are happy with the sensitivity.
please make it an option
@simon will this ever be addressed? its way to sensitive and absolutely sucks to have to keep shaking my rabbit to turn off the settings that just appear from simply using the device.
In the discord it was mentioned Jesse wants it changed and is considering swipe from the side of the screen instead when they add their touch screen implementation soon.
Personally for me shake sensitivity has been fine and doesn’t even go off when I wear it on my belt.
On discord there is now a video posted how shake-in / shake out will be replaced in the upcoming OTA by a scroll up - scroll up
motion using the wheel.
Great! Thanks for sharing. I think this will work way better. It also solves the strange way of cards rotating like a repeating carousel.
Thank you for this long awaited update, I was so sick and tired of accidently opening settings every time I used the r1