Set Celsius degrees as a default weather temperature

Hi all, :wave:

I asked my r1 several times to tell me the weather temperature in Celsius degrees from now on. It work for some hours, but when I asked to weather agin the r1 provide me the update in Fahrenheit.

Can anyone support on this? Does any one request something to be changed and works?



Nope. No memory yet, so, as you said, you can ask it to always answer a specific way, it might agree, confirm, say it will remember to do so, it will forget at some point. Till the °F/°C choice is not implemented, maybe as a setting, our only option (more than 95% of population on earth) is to ask for weather in celsius degrees, each time.


Thanks for your reply, so I will continue prompting with “in °C degrees” at the end.


All these smaller settings and things will most likely come in the form of a QOL update. I’m also looking forward to having that option as it will be one step closer to a “personalized” device.


You can set a note

Note from now on give temperature readings in Celsius not Fahrenheit

Then save it the r1 should acknowledge its save you can also type the above in terminal the note is saved in rabbit hole so you can view it and delete it.
The above works but can be hit and miss.

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The setting of regional Temp or localized measurement with any internet connected device was solved how many years ago?

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Yes if it’s programmed into the software on the device. But at the moment it’s only imperial. Due to the device being USA I don’t mind that much I can use both or ask it to do one or the other even both.

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Thank you a lot. I did it, and it worked sometimes, and with proper prompts, it would work.
I also established my location as a note, because if you ask to the r1 for it, reply with the time zone location, that could be deferred from your city.

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I have the trouble with the location. If it uses the WiFi it picks me up 150miles away from where I am. If it tries hotspot from phone it’s still some distance. Then if I use SIM card in the r1 it gets closer within in a mile. Each update seems to bring it closer.