Recording and Meeting Minutes - connection issues


I’m still testing the recording functionality. My R1 is connected to WiFi and has a SIM card. It looks like sometimes there is an issues for the R1 to stay connected to WiFi maybe because it is a mesh network.

I did a meeting today morning, did record the session - no issues at all.

A few minutes later next meeting started. R1 started to record but after around 10 minutes stoped to record and I just have seen that it is disconnected.

I have checked the connection, and was trying to start the recording again. It was not working. I have turned off WiFi, still no success so I had to reboot the device.

  1. the first minutes of the recording are gone.
  2. why it is not moving directly to SIM connection when a SIM is available.
  3. why is the recording not buffered on the device and is send to cloud after the meeting is done. Storage is not the problem here.
  4. why is there no warning about poor network connection.
  5. and while recording, I do not see the battery status so no idea if I need to charge.
  6. would be great if r1 could also concentrate on the open point for myself, so in addition to the meeting minutes I have also a direct list with to do’s.

Would like to hear from others, if you face same issues.

thanks for any advice and additional features for recording, like offline recording, network status, battery status…

Just to add:

the first meeting, which took 54 min has been shorten down to 5 bullet points.

the second meeting was not uploaded to the rabbit hole at all, at least not yet. It was around 90 min long. And maybe it takes some time to process.

quick update. The second meeting is lost. There is no recording available.

When the connection’s lost the recording’s lost. That has been my experience.

The connection issue is real, yet so hard to understand due to the limited information provided in the ui.


Hello all, I recorded a meeting of 55 mina but Rabbit pasted the full transcript into the summary field rather than providing a summary. Has it ever happened to anybody?

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I’d like to know the limitations of the record feature. Is there a time limit or is it only dependant on the consistency of the connection? Also is there a limit to how many bullet points it can list in the summary? My tests have only produced 5 at the most. I’d love to be able to record a 30-60 min meeting and have everything summarized along with a “to do” list.

I recorded a 54 minute meeting yesterday and it worked flawlessly.

I did not, however, use wifi at all. I haven’t tried wifi anywhere but at home where it has also worked very well.

I can confirm that my home work network is not a mesh network.


I just recorded a keynote speaker at a conference that was about 2 hours. It showed recording the whole time. It was connected to the wifi the whole time. But nothing has shown up in the journal.
I’m in a breakout room right now, and I will see if it works. If not, I’ll be a little upset. One of the biggest reasons I wanted this was for the note taking of meetings.

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Hi everyone - we’re aware of a few connection issues related to the meeting assistant. I don’t have a timeline, but my current understanding is that it’s quite likely we’ll implement offline caching and upload for this, which should solve these problems.


Just tried to show off the meeting recording feature and I lost connection after 10 minutes - no trace of the recording saved whatsoever.
In this case, I was in a low-connectivity area so the connection (or internet via hotspot) dropped out,


  • Save/cache recording on device until cloud saved
  • Replay back on device
  • View text summary on device
    • Ability to “continue recording” to continue a session

I also think the on screen UI is a little intimidating. The only options on screen are to exit or save/end. Feels like it would be super easy to accidentally end the meeting by tapping the button.

Many thanks, love what you’re doing and recognise the grand efforts in going from v1 to where we are now!


The issue is still there :confused:
Is there an ETA to have some fix on it?

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I don’t have an ETA for you :frowning: But the path to fixing this was local photo storage. Now that is available, we’re a lot closer to making offline recording a reality :slight_smile:


Thank you Matt.


Legend :raised_hands:

Thank you!

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