rabbitOS release notes

We just pushed an update! Check the notes :slight_smile:


awesome guys, so good to now have weather in metric and also checked a distance between 2 places and it automatically issued the answer in metric… thank you


Not doing it for me (UK) still does the US centric measurements atm, maybe a restart?

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I :heart: it, that you can now change the voice using your voice. But what I noticed is that in the German language there are several words that you can use for the same purpose, for example “wechsel”, “wechsle”, “ändere”, “verändere” and they all mean “change”. The thing is, if you say something other than “wechsel” or “wechsle”, r1 says that it can’t change the voice or it just starts a web search. :smiley: :carrot: :otarabbit: That’s not really a bad thing, but it would be more user-friendly if it understood everything well, because otherwise you have to know the exact key word every time and that’s not very user-friendly.

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I can’t create a new magic voice… when i enable it and try to input a voice the creation fails. And R1 will not output anything now when asking questions.

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If i enable magic voice R1 doesn’t respond anymore and I’m unable to set any voice

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I had that a few time I just went to the rabbit hole and the magic voice section turned it on and off and put in new set of parameters for a voice it seemed to fix it

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Yes thanks, for me it doesn’t work. Enabling and disabling is possible but any voice description can not be generated

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Have you got WiFi or mobile network on the r1 or both. Try turning off the r1 and also refresh the page or log out of the rabbit hole and back in. I have only had it odd times I would also try something like,
make the voice sound like an English gentleman with good RP and clear authoritative voice with medium tones.
See if the above works sometime it’s what your putting in. I know when I put a persons name in it didn’t like it, first time then I adjusted it and it seems to accept it

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This is so cool that you can do it from the r1, this device keeps on giving, thank you Rabbit


An OTA just hit - check the top post for the details!

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Nice, happy to see another update. Not the big improvements I am hoping for, but continuous progress and easter eggs. :blush:

Seems like the generative UI takes longer to load on first time use? At least, for one query, it didn’t show up at all, then super late for the second one. Then, for the third one, it loaded quickly!