rabbit x ElevenLabs are proud to present…… magic voice on r1 ✨

after a successful experimental test over the last month, we’re proud to officially announce magic voice alongside our longstanding partner ElevenLabs!

magic voice gives you, the user, a totally blank canvas to design the voice of your r1. want your r1 to sound like a suave, sophisticated secret agent? a swashbuckling pirate? a southern belle? or maybe even an alien lifeform from a distant galaxy? all of this and more is now possible - both from a text prompt on rabbithole, or as of today - asking your r1 directly.

simply say to your r1 - “change your voice to an excitable, anime style female adventurer” - or whatever kind of voice you can imagine, and it’ll happen, right there in front of you.

this is our latest step in making r1 the most personalized AI device out there, so start coming up with voices and be sure to share the best ones with us on our community and on social media - we can’t wait to hear what you come up with! :ear:

you can read our full blog post about magic voice here or visit our support article to learn more.


Lovely! Great surprise update!

Hats off to the team!


Great update, but I’d like also the option to choose between the default ElevenLabs voices if I want, instead of being limited to a blank canvas to create a new one.


I know we’ve had it for a few weeks now, but glad to see it’s formally ‘out there’.

Question though, is it, or maybe will it be eventually possible to save exact voices for later use, like a favorites or something? I’ve found voices I like, but if you want to test out some others, only option is to ditch what you have. A bit of a bummer when you finally roll one you love, but still want to play around. Just curious.


Just tried it I may make it sound like a sexy lady :joy: but at the moment it’s sound like Jarvis from Ironman it’s better voice than the original, I can see I am going to be at this for hours trying to pick one​:joy:.
Nice work rabbit team and 11Labs


Really honored to be part of it… and also because they have my Clown’s voice ready!!! :rofl: … but now I want a voice also for @discobot fortune


:crystal_ball: My sources say no

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We’re definitely thinking about improvements, and talking to ElevenLabs about what might be possible.

No promises but we’ll log all suggestions and see what we can do :slight_smile:


Since I have an ElevenLabs account, it would be nice to be able to link to one of the saved voices I already have.


Happy to see these nice, continuous improvements!


I have spent hours yesterday and this morning creating voices and tweaking them then deciding I wanted the one previously I made but you can’t go back and the voices aren’t consistent, but it’s new so will be problems I have a good one now but dare I tweak it then have to spend another few hours trying to get one I like again. :joy: it’s good fun.

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I think mine has split / multiple personalities as when you set some voices it will change to other and back and forth while reading things like news etc, sometimes a few voices with different accents it’s rather spooky​:joy::crazy_face:


This was already a cool upgrade and it is nice to be able to change the voice prompt using voice commands.

I have now set the language to Dutch and explicitly mention the voice needs to have a Dutch accent. This makes the voice sound really Dutch, much better than ChatGPT’s voice.

Using it however, I notice I don’t get much variation in the voices. I tried an old woman’s voice or a child’s voice and it does not seem to deviate much.

The examples suggest also behavioral effects (e.g. with the pirate) but I have not had much luck with that.

You can also ask it to do random varying voices, quite fun to hear :slightly_smiling_face:


I found that once you have set the parameters for the voice and tried it, if you don’t like it, just press the edit and then press customise. Do this without changing the parameters. Each time you press customise you will get a different voice. Or as a one off you could just ask the r1 verbally to change its voice to sound like for example, a prim and proper English nanny, and read the news, be warned when I did it R1 got to friendly, calling me love, and dear etc. even if she sounded like Mary poppins.

I found a GPT called “Voice/Style/Tone AI prompt Snippet generator”, if you ask it to create a prompt for a voice similar to x celebrity it gets it pretty close


This would be nice. I have been saving the prompts in a list and then pasting when I want it again. just takes time.

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