As a daily companion, I think Rabbit should also be usable as an autheticator (F2A) at some point. That would also increase his daily usefulness. Just an idea for the future perhaps.
The problem here is the “Do you always have a phone with you?”, yes we all do. In what situation would you not have the existing F2A on your phone and need the r1? the r1 needs to find it’s place in the world above and beyond your average Smartphone feature or apps. I hope my patience will pay off
I feel like it would be a good backup, instead of fetching your phone you can just use the rabbit if it’s more convenient
As a companion, you don’t even need to fetch the rabbit anymore.
Since the r1 is a standalone device and no other third-party apps are running on it, the r1 would be much more trustworthy as an F2A authenticator than my smartphone, at least for me. What’s more, the r1 is updated much more regularly than almost any smartphone.
Same, I’d feel better about all that stuff, as I enjoy having accounts!