Magic camera gender misidentification

Doesn’t lean male in my pictures, even though I am male :grin::person_shrugging:


Maybe the model just still needs more input. Hell, even I occasionally get it wrong. :slightly_smiling_face:

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and while we are at it a Gen Z free zone 2…useless discussions about a computer generating the wrong gender…please…woke me up!

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lol already the r1 gets penetrated by wokeness.

funny af


I feel like yall are mixing up “woke” a little bit. Its not genders identification of ones personal self and more, “if im a man/women and born that gender, can it please see that and make me that”… Honestly would be nice if the AI can do it but at this moment it can’t. One day maybe but for now we get the basic " Its trying".

I will say the race mix up is insane but again maybe one day.

also yes the disclaimer clearly states it cant do it effectively at this time.

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To your point, if the magic camera gets it wrong all the time, then, other than ensuring against true image capture, its value is entertainment only and just as well could generate any random image vs. one that is not even close to a facsimile of the original. However, not storing the source image is a good thing, so I would take innacuracy if it protects the image.

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It does store the original image in the Rabbit Hole. But i do agree on its entertainment value, and only agreed with the OP on how its a problem that could be fixed but probably wont as they are focused on bigger features.

But also ChatGPT, like the rabbit, can not reproduce gender and only will once told, since the magic camera cant be told any extra info its pretty much a “shit out of luck” situation for people that want a more accurate AI generation.

I still laugh when it makes me girlfriend a guy and makes her laugh too :rofl:

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I can agree. Even doh if they can step up their game and at least record who you are and give you some proper constant character could still be funny. But at this point each time i take a selfie i get to be something/someone else :wink:

Pretty gansta :))

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I’m Batch 7, my device is all over the place; gender/ethnicity/size… 75% error.

It has nothing to do with the rabbit. It’s bias injection for mixing genders and ethnicity for inclusion.

Think of this more for text based prompts. “Show me a happy family”

Bet you get a complete mixture of races and genders for the one family.

it has to add into the prompt that it will add ethnicity for diversity and inclusion.

It’s not a mistake, it’s the AI companies following the current political landscape.

So no it will not be fixed, unless half of the western world gets new governments and sets new rules.

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You realize OP was saying it skews male? Yet you’re still trying to push your “forced wokness” conspiracy theory. Also many POC have said it seems to disproportionately make them look white.

If a white person takes a photo and runs it through AI, why does it have to change ethnicity at all? Similar for a person of colour.

There is no conspiracy. Companies wrote bias injection into the AI prompts for diversity and inclusion.

If I asked to see what I look like as a different race then that would be interesting.

But not when I don’t want it and forced upon me.

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Honestly it’s probably just midjourney with a simple depth/canny controlnet and non-descriptive adjectives. So the AI would assume gender based on other features of the photo, i.e. if it thinks it sees blue, it will think male, versus pink would be female. That’s just how AI works, and isn’t rabbit’s fault.

Same reason why a darker photo might make you another race such as brown or black skinned, due to how the AI interprets the input and the closeness to other vectors.

TL;DR: there is no bias in the AI, if anything it’s more likely to misidentify due to other factors in the scene that impact the output unintentionally.

You just keep saying the same nothing over and over. Keep saying “bias”…but it seems to happen to everyone, without any bias. Keep saying it’s being done for diversity and inclusion, yet this and other posts claim it leans disproportionately white and male. Keep acting like you know that rabbit has a race or gender focused prompt despite having zero specific evidence.
Really don’t know why rabbit doesn’t just delete this great replacement far right conspiracy bs.

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Interesting outcome to this prompt!

Not really. Didn’t say Id be surprised if rabbit had a diversity focused prompt, just said you hadn’t provided evidence of it yet. Now you did, good for you. Still what’s the point though? The AI companies realized a lot of their training data would lead to biases (like maybe most of the time generated pictures of “families” were all white people), so they tried to correct it in the easiest/laziest way possible, by just system prompting to add diversity whenever possible, and they overlooked how that could be a problem whenever people DO want to generate content featuring white people. They need to try harder, equitablely adjust the training data and make the prompts more sensitive to specific instructions. PS The system prompt just papers over the problem, doesn’t actually fix it, which is why some people still experience white/male leaning output.

Instead of bringing this “issue” up to the general public as a complaint, why don’t you first have this conversation with you actual r1 device instead. Have a long interesting talk. Teach it some things. Inform it that you are a female or male. Teach it what a female is, and also what a male is. Or better yet, teach it what a female, and also a male is “supposed to” look like, in your opinion.
It is essentially a learning computer…not a human. The Magic Camera is supposed to give you “alternative” images.
It gave me a rabbit head one time. SO WHAT…thats cool! Was I a male rabbit, or female rabbit? WHO CARES…it is nothing but a fantastical alternate image generator. If you get upset at these literal pieces of art, well, Id say that you should probably not ever go to an art museum. Or even easier, don’t use the Magic Camera feature.
Jus sayin :man_shrugging:t2:

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