LAM Playground detected as intrusive activity and logged me out.

Is it my problem?
This morning, I asked LAM Playground to buy me an Echo Spot from Amazon, I wanted to use the Prime day offer. After pressing the checkout button, here it tries to enter my login password because Amazon requested for Identity verification.
I stopped it immediately.
Here I ask to get to Youtube Studio to summarize my channel’s Analitics, and here it has to verify my identity for Google. I stopped it before it tried to enter my password.
At the same time, Google sent me a critical alert e-mail for suspect activity detected on my account and disconnected my Mac, same device used for logging into LAM Playground, from all the sessions.
@Jessi, @Simon, @everyone, What’s gonna happen here? Is it only my problem or is actually some work to do?
Most important: I keep pressing again and again till a solution is found; I’m OK to enter my password when requested, but both the browser in the virtual environment and the interface of Rabbit R1 is not accessible for the blind!
Prompting you again to add a screen reader to the Rabbit R1 as soon as possible, I ask also to find a solution to let me login without typing out the credentials in the prompt box, wich you tell me to not do. Accessibility is a priority!!!


This is not a good situation.
In the playground you get the warnings:

  • Do not type in your credentials in the prompt box.
  • Do not say your credentials to your r1.

So please don’t do that.
I wouldn’t log in to my main accounts either.


I would respect the alert on Rabbit Hole if they give me an alternative to sign in.
But due to the fact that the browser that appears is not readable by a Screen Reader, I can’t do otherwise.

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I’d like to hear comments from someone in the Rabbit team as well…

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Sorry I didn’t see you already said you are not supposed to share your credentials in the prompt.

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It’s not “just a you thing” unfortunately :frowning: One of the things we’re still working on is accurately representing the fact that, “this is just my R1 doing things for me”. It’s getting better every day, but it is still something you might run into.

Thank you for pointing out the problem with screen readers on the LAM Playground, and I’m sorry for the experience you’re getting :frowning: I don’t know how long it will take to fix, but I’m bringing it back to the rest of the team to discuss :slight_smile:


The Swiss Railways homepage ( seems to also detect that something’s ‘amiss’ though it doesn’t specifically say what it thinks is wrong.

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Same for me on french railway , R1 is detected as a robot, it tried to solve the capcha, (a puzzle slide) then my access to the website is blocked…not better if I try to solve the capcha :unamused:


Same problem with the puzzle captcha on

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Note that the AI from ETH Zurich has beaten Google reCaptcha at 100% :blush: :blush: , so theres still hope for the R1 LAM…

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