Nice trick, if you can’t access beta rabbit with voice command or the surroundings are too loud Beta Rabbit with terminal
Rabbit never understands my simple native English. Just a #ConstantFail sadly as a fanboy
Weird. I had issues with the Beta Rabbit last week when it was first introduced and used terminal to type my question and get the spoken answer by holding the device in portrait mode again. After this week’s update I didn’t have any issues any longer. It recognizes my command instantly. I discovered that it understands the command better if you pronounce Beta British instead of American…
Sharing a response to someone else’ thread but it’s relevant.
Other than calculating things, I haven’t found beta rabbit useful. Sad it can’t improve Suno experience since it has not access to connections yet, and as I talk about below, it actually alarmed me–hopefully falsely, but it isn’t fun being made nervous about security.