I want to view websites from my device

Sometimes you are asked to click on a link, right? Isn’t it inconvenient when you can’t click on a link to see the website at such times? I have to go to RabbitHole to see the website. I want to complete everything, so please make it happen!

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Very doubtful

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I am doubt too… if you register your cookie before to access/login a website, your rabbit should be already able to enter without asking anything, and if you have your generativeUI active you will be a sort of page as you want, but created instantly for you at the moment.

I have encountered some problems to make it works for the gmail account due to different localization, because I am Italian and I saved cookies only for google.it in fact rabbit said me that there were some problems, I repeated the cookie recording but at this time I visited all the account link for google.com and now my CLOWN rabbit is able to check my new email without watch the website or the screen…

On the other side, there is also the “Teach Mode” that should help your rabbit if you create a new lesson…

I hope this can help you!

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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@discobot display help

For now the only navigable web pages are the captive portals where there is wi-fi to connect, so your request is not completely impossible, perhaps you could ask a rabbit to view the site in “desktop” mode or better said in “display” mode… so I definitely want to vote your suggestion, could be interesting to assist the rabbit :slight_smile: