qr code , problem, help me plz.

Good morning. The rabbit R1 has just arrived. I’m looking for the ability to log in. And even by logging in to the Forum by doing it again and even deleting the account and recreating the account, I am not presented with the QR Code in any way that I can scan with the Rabbit device. I need urgent help. grazie…!

Can you send a screenshot of what you see on hole.rabbit.tech ?

I don’t understand… you get the activation qrcode not from forum, but from hole.rabbit.tech website

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risolto, sbagliavo posto dove cercarlo, hole.rabbit.tech e rifacendo il login me lo ha attivato

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I have just started my R1 for the first time as well and I cannot activate mine because there is a 403 website error code hole.rabbit.tech/activate

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Try to open hole.rabbit,tech, if the page is working then you can try to register and get the qr activation code…

I do experience the same !!!
No WIFI connexion most of the time and no QR code…

I also can’t access a QR. The r1 keeps asking me to take the picture, BUT I can’t focus the r1’s camera sharply enough (or at all), AND there are no QR’s in the rabbit hole, so…

People found that adjusting the light in the room and enlarging the qr code worked some even used a tablet to show the qr code it seem to work. Also make sure the cameras are clean

scusa , dove hai trovato il link x entrare e prendere il qrcode?