Yes, I looked up the word “warren” and that’s half the reason behind the post.
More seriously, maybe it would be cool to engage r1 community with geotagged and other “public” stuff shared from r1 to any r1-holder? E.g.,
- I’m near the Statue of Liberty in NYC and Me: {PTT} “What has the Warren shared near this location?”; r1: “Would you like to see photos [see originals and MagicCams], music [see suggested songs], or learn something new [see suggested prompts] [all based on my location]?”; Me: {PTT} “Music.” Reviews upvoted/ranked list of songs suggested by other r1-holders and chooses one to play
- Music: I’m near the Statue of Liberty in NYC and Me: {PTT} “Play the Star-Spangled Banner”; r1: “Playing now …”; Me: {PTT} “Ooh, add the Star-Spangled Banner to the Warren”; r1: “Submitting to the Warren now”
- Images: Me: {PTTx2 [Vision mode]} … {PTT [Take photo]} … Review images {PTT} “Share this MagicCam image with the Warren”; r1: “Submitting …”
- Learning: Me: {PTT} “Who built the Statue of Liberty?”; r1: “bla bla”; Me: “What’s it made of?”; r1: “bla bla”; Me: {PTT} “Ooh, the Statue of Liberty used to be the color of a penny because, of course, it’s made of copper. Share that with the Warren along with an artistic rendering of a copper colored Statue of Liberty”; r1: “Submitting …”
Others will be able to think of far cleverer and more sensible ways to let r1 users leave goodies behind for other r1 users, but maybe there’s something to this idea?