Got my SIM card stuck…

I’m waiting for an answer from support on this and I suspect that I will have to send the unit back to resolve it so I am posting this as a cautionary tale.

When I put the SIM card in, it didn’t seem to go in smoothly and didn’t show that a card had been entered. So I decided to take it out. However, when I pulled out the SIM tray the card was not there! The SIM is now inside the unit, but not attached to the tray. I think also, because it is only the SIM in the slot, the SIM is not in contact electrically with the unit so is left in a unusable state.

I just wanted to let people know to be very careful when inserting the SIM. If there is any resistance don’t continue. Practice taking the tray in and out a few times before inserting it with the SIM so that you know how it feels like to correctly go in.

Also note, it is impossible to get the SIM out and there is nowhere to grip it even if you have very thin tweezers. If it gets stuck you basically don’t have an options.


Did you get any direction on resolving your matter as of yet? I am sorry this happened to you. I know i was very scare, but cautious because i heard of the same things happening to others as well.


I found that the sim wouldn’t let the sim tray go back in full I took it back out and on a closer took at the sim tray the sim clips into the sim tray no problem after and it doesn’t drop out of the sim trays som sims may have a little bit of extra plastic still on them from when they were in the multi SIM card that was stopping min but once I pushed the sim into the sim try it clipped in and went in the r1 without a problem and if I pulled the sim tray out the sim is still firmly seated in the sim tray. To get it out of the sim tray turn the tray over it the sim doesn’t drop out you will see 2 little holes on back of sim tray just pit something in one of them will pop the sim out of the sim tray

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