Future of connections/profiles: x level hierarchy

I would like to suggest 3 level hierarchy of connections/profiles for settings and apps, before it becomes confusing:

  1. global (should be available to every rabbit r1 user)
  2. regional (once selected, it makes some “magic” for these users…)
  3. national (once selected, you can use specific connetions/profiles)

For e.g. within global profiles we should have all settings available which are globally used. The current apps which are supported.
Then in the future, make more global apps available like Bring/WeNeed (shopping app), Tripit (travel planer), Sonos, Hue etc.

For e.g. in Europe/Asia/Africa/Australia/Antarctic as a region, where appropriate I would like to have a profile like Celsius instead of Fahrenheit (for weather forecast for e.g.), and Kilometers instead of Miles (for distance measuring).
Then in the future make more regional apps available like:
I don’t have any suggestions here for the moment, but I’m sure that there are apps that are only available in a certain area.

For e.g. in Switzerland as a nation, I would like to use one of the 4 available languages: like german, french, italian, rumantch.
Then in the future, make national apps available like TWINT (one of the most used electronic payment system in Switzerland), SBB (for public transport: timetable, tickets) etc.

Im sure every country has it’s own national apps available and it makes sense to use these settings.

Coming back from my summer holidays outside switzerland, it would also be nice to activate additional national profiles temporary in your settings, so that you can travel easily and use the local apps for uber, food delivery, streaming services etc.

Full of hope that @rabbit can do it somewhen in the future…


Great topic!

For me this sounds complicated. I’d prefer to have 2 levels:

  1. R1 device preferences
  2. Personal profile(s)
  • The device preferences are purely how the hardware functions. Wifi setting, brightness, volume (exactly how it is now).
  • Personal profile: this is where I setup my personal profile, using a context description in natural language. In the personal profile I simply describe everything I want the R1 to take into account when the profile is active. Including “localization units and currency for Germany” and prefer "ebay.de and “otto.de” for buying stuff.

I don’t expect the Rabbit team to keep track of which companies provide which services in which countries at which moment and I would prefer not to have limitations based on my location.

I do love the idea of being able to have multiple personalization profiles defined and being able to switch between profiles: eg switch between leisure, work (show prices without VAT) or Germany, Switzerland.


Ciao @PaulBacon good arguments as well - I changed the topic to x level hierarchy, so we can work it out :slight_smile:

So in your suggestion everything would go in multiple personal profiles leasure / work? That could be easily added as a 4th. level (my suggestion) or simplified into a 2nd level (your suggestion) hierarchy.

Hope there are more comments on this topic, no matter on how many levels this will work out at the end.


Sorry, that was not clear enough. No, my suggestion (building on yours) is not to have a work/leisure distinction but to have the option of configuring general pre-defined personalized profiles that can be labeled and activated as needed. These could be labeled “work”, “leisure”, “Switzerland”, etc.

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I don’t know if I’ve understood exactly where these profiles are supposed to be located, but it would certainly be good if you could manage these profiles in the Rabbit Hole and select, change, predefine and remove them via r1 (ideally also by voice). Perhaps r1 could even use voice to create a kind of workflow for predefining such a profile as a simple voice dialog. So that you only have to add everything you need in the Rabbit Hole. Perhaps it would be good if such a workflow started immediately when you used r1 for the first time, as a kind of setup dialog to make yourself really comfortable in your Rabbit Hole. How many levels the whole thing has in the end is not so important to me personally, but I think it should be as simple and clear as possible, at least so that it is still intuitive and understandable without any instructions. In general, though, I think this idea with the profiles is great.