Focusing by tapping the screen

Hey community! :idlerabbit:
I’d like to share with you guys a simple idea to improve photo shooting with our R1:
often the camera does not focus correctly on the objects we want to shoot, especially when we shoot documents or objects close to the camera.

Could the focus function by touching the desired point on the screen be introduced?

If the hardware allows it, would become an important and basic feature for a portable device.

@simon @mattdomko


As far as I understand, the camera actually has no focus ability. No movement in the lens and no additional lenses.

Correct me if I’m wrong please! :slight_smile:

I have found that fortunately, even if I don’t see it as focused, my r1 seems to be able to read some of the smaller things that I show it and still give me great summaries of emails and text.

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Thanks for clarification, I didn’t know about these HW limitations.

Mine too, with digital texts no problem, but when you take handwritten notes and want to make them digital the R1 makes many mistakes.

Yea seems like the camera was a cost saving aspect in the r1 devices creation.

I’m just hoping the r2 has a fancy camera that makes that funky rotation thing even more cool :slight_smile:

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