battery lose charge :(

Hi @leahcim ,
Hi everyone,

as I said today I made an other test for our rabbit r1 with the following results:

So far in my test I have got the following results:

Time Battery _ _
01:07 PM 80 % Mostly standby
03:25 PM 72 % Mostly standby
03:38 PM 71 % Mostly standby
04:06 PM 70 % Mostly standby
09:13 PM 66 % Mostly standby
08:21 AM 59 % Mostly standby
09:04 AM 50 % Mostly on
09:10 AM 48 % Mostly on
09:42 AM 42 % Mostly on
10:18 AM 36 % Mostly on
10:24 AM 33 % Mostly on
10:36 AM 30 % Mostly on
10:46 AM 27 % Mostly on
11:07 AM 23 % Mostly on
11:13 AM 20 % Mostly on
11:33 AM 14 % Mostly on
11:44 AM 10 % Mostly on
11:54 AM 5 % Mostly on
12:01 PM 2 % Mostly on
12:04 PM 1 % Mostly on
12:34 PM 0 % Mostly on

It’s interesting and amazing that the last 1% took several minutes for the rabbit r1 to turn off.

Britghtness was ca. 40 %.

Maybe this table and test could help/support @simon and the development team for this topic about the battery usage. :slight_smile: