Air bubbles under the screen

First of all; I love the R1 so much I spent the extra dollars to get the very expensive but excellent screen protectors from Dbrand.
Just their packaging was stellar and will be my new case for my already included folding case. :smile:
So I kept the original thin film untill I received Dbrand’s.
But upon meticulously removing the original protective film, three air bubbles materialised under the screen.
I immediately stopped since I didn’t want to make things worse.
Dbrand included a nifty small squeegee, but I’m pretty sure I’m not going to squeegee my way out of air bubbles under the original touchscreen.
So I’m carefully shelving the device and wait for further instructions.


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THAT, is the box that your r1 came in?!?! :eyes:

ohhhhhhh…NM, I get it now. That’s a cool case👍

My rabbit had 3 screen protectors on one under the other and so on. I took them all off to put on a harder screen cover.
It’s possible yours is same.
I think the screen protector applicator went a little over top.


I left it at my buddy’s place (better safe than sorry) since I wasn’t sure what the next step would be.
But fück yeah, that makes sense. :love_you_gesture:
Thanks for the info.
And to the team: Thanks for them extra screen protectors. :laughing:

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