Time Format 24h

Hi there fellow rabbiteers,
I just got my rabbit r1 and sadly, I’m quite disappointed.
But if there’s going to be some kind of update, which will make it usable in other languages, especially European Languages such as German and Spanish etc. there should also be the possibility to change the time format to a logical European standard: DD-MM-YYYY and especially 24 hours.

I’m hoping german language support/usage (it’s strange for me to try to translate my ideas in English first and then talk to my rabbit in english, I mean it can translate between languages but can not understand it for actions. I don’t get it?!) and more integrations like a the promised teach mode and stuff like that comes soon. Until then it is nice but not yet even as good as having chatGPT on my phone.


I am with you regarding the date/time formatting settings.

It makes sense that, as its an American organization, this is the default setting. But I was surprised by the lack of a 24h time toggle!

@simon, this is a similar request as the Celcius conversation, but could you confirm that the team is aware of this?


Aware and we will fix it!


I prefer 24hr format.

I’m a nerd too and found the ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD. I discovered it in Jamacia and it’s been my favorite!

Totally should be the standard, that’s like Day Version! Can that be added?

Rabbit also tells me its great! I like how you use it for your version numbers at Rabbit tech! Easy to catch!

R1 Fetched Fact:

(YYYY-MM-DD) is known as the ISO 8601 date format. It is an international standard for dates and times, maintained by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This format is commonly used in contexts where a standardized and unambiguous representation of dates is required, such as in scientific research, computer systems, and international communication.

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This was already implemented in the settings>time you can switch between 24hr clock on/off

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It would be great to have an option to show the day, month and year too because sometimes I use my R1 as a desk clock when in charging mode :slight_smile:

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You can take a look at my earlier advice.

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The RabbitHole still displays AM/PM…

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With 24 HR time we also need to tell the alarm/timer in 24? Maybe I say it weird or something but it said it didn’t understand 18:30…