the thing ... simple Design idea

Take the existing Design. Shrink it 1:1 on a fitting size.
But same Design, with the wheel on the top.
(ok maybe in Black would be nice)

Only change the camera to a flex one that i could pull out if i would need it like a pen and put it back when i am finished.

Or the cam simple as a cube that i get out about a speech command above the front side (tgag way is more space Fortsetzung small battery)

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Some of us would like it a bit different:

Take the existing Design. grow it 1:2 on a fitting size.
But same Design, with the wheel on the bottom.
(ok maybe in white would be nice)

I really like the size it is…again reviews pooped on this and when i got one i was like this is perfect size…i was very worried about the speaker being on the back but its tottaly fine tho like its plenty loud. I think color wraps could be a thing for protection too…i dont have a screen guard so that always worries me. By the way has anybody scratched there screen from carrying it around in there pocket? so far i have not. Now the square shape has slipped out of my sons pockets and lost it in a friends couch almost…fits in my pocket perfectly ACTUALLY a belt holder would be awesome beeper style

A belt holder for the rabbit r1 you can print it with a 3d printer.
Or look for a 3d ptint Service on eBay

The needed 3d print file, you can find easiely with Google.
Of you never have been in contact with 3d stuff until now
Give them a try and let Google search for you

A “rabbit r1 pocket holder .stl” or
A “rabbit r1 Brötchen holder .stl”

The “.stl” is the file format for the 3d printing you need.
And i personally print my stuff with “TPU”, 100 percent infill, also it s not wrong to reduce the size in front of printing to 99 percent of the prepared object size.

And on ebay you ll find a 3d printing service also vwry easiely.

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no i have no experience with 3d printing but definitely want one to make my own action figures or to replace parts for other products. Thank you for this! had no idea that there are .stl libraries!

3d ptinting is in the meantime nothing more … than download a file … open it with an app for example creality provide and send it after some pers. adjustments wireless to the printer
… I use a creality k1 max since a year and compare him always with a startreck Replikator. Smile.
But 3d printing today is that easy.

Download- send - print

Oh and the rabbit helps to find the correct download site 2.
Ask him for a Web search about the stuff you need.

We are living in a World of

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I like that idea. I’m left handed so the wheel is awkward for me to use at the moment