The Rabiit-Eye could be connect to other IA services! 🥕:

A great idea just popped into my head! :rofl:

It would be really cool if in vision mode (i.e. when the Rabbit eye is active) you could just say “please make me a song about what you are seeing” or something similar!

And then SunoAI would get an instruction to make a song out of it, i.e. out of what Rabbit can pass on to SudoAI.

In the same way, you could connect this to other IA services, which in turn can do their own things with it.

That would really be a very ingenious and creatively generative function that many users would definitely enjoy.

But to be honest, I can’t imagine that an idea like this is new. Is it new?

Of course it’s not a priority, but at some point in the future it would be a very, very useful thing.

What do you think about this @all ?


This would be fantastic! It’s unfortunate that vision mode isn’t more integrated into the system, but I’m sure that in due time it’ll change :weatherrabbit:

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