Teach Mode Beta

Hello @rabbit, Hello @everyone,
Since you released the short on Youtube comunicating Teach Mode to be available as soon as the Halloween celebration, I was expecting the beta program to begin yesterday.
Since it is not, do you have any information on how the Beta program will begin?


To me is already avaible.
I didn’t have any updates but now I can use the teach mode.
Have u already tried to ask to ur R1 2 create a routine ?
When I did it created a routine to scan the web every Friday for my favourite comics(we r talking about 8-9 titles each week :sweat_smile:)


I tried it but it seems to not remembering the routine as soon as it completes it.
I tried to create a morning routine that tells me the wether, gives me news updates and reads the e-mails, but after completing the task, when I ask to “Start my morning routine”, it tells me “I don’t have a predefined morning routine for you.”
What did you do to make it happen?

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Teach Mode Beta has not started yet. It is currently still in the Alpha Testing phase.

I apologise if the video was misleading! More news to come soon.


Ok thanks, I’ll wait.

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First I asked to search for a list of comics every Friday,than R1 didn’t remember it so I asked 2 remember my request about comics and to do it every Friday.
Still R1 had some problems to remember it ,finally I said to perform the same comics research each Friday.
Apparently is working ,I will tell something more next Friday

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Apparently is working…maybe I have been misled.
I will tell u on Friday if R1 remember the routine or not


Hello. I’m looking forward to working on this.

Teach Mode is the real magic of Rabbit R1 :hugs:


Hi I am in the beta and that is great. Shall we report here the issues?


I tought it my first lesson it works!


Hey @everyone,

Awesome to the chance to try teach mode.
I was trying to get it to get the latest anime episode, but ran into an issue during the login. It seems that despite accepting cookies, the site doesn’t recognize the login and assumes I am a bot. Even after checking the Are you human captcha. I even tried without logging in and got stuck on the Are you human captcha.

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I was able to teach it. I taught it to go to Awarewolf Gear site and search for the all terrain cane and add it to cart. Worked flawlessly.

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I was successfully teaching to extract LinkedIn contact details of a connection but when I want to send a message to a connection like “send a joke to Simon”, it litterally sends “a joke” to Simon…how can we call the AI to kick-in in these cases? To provide a joke or a weather forecast or latest news…?

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I noticed a couple of very tiny issues.
If I mistype the address format for instance https:/ instead of https:// the webpage loads and it seems like you can teach things but the learning fails. And there is no button to go back unless you go on the navigation bar.
Also would be nice to after teaching a lesson to have the option to go back or teach a new one.

I hope this helps, for the rest very cool!

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The documentation mentions the practice of annotating the actions using the additional_explanation field in the recording log. I can’t seem to edit anything in the log though, or any other dialog field where I can put these annotations.

Am I missing something?

Edit: I watched the video .Justin posted on discord. You need to click in exactly the right spot in the recording log to activate the annotation dialog.

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On a site where I need to enter data in a table, I navigate and to the cell to activate it and then use the dialog that appears. In the log it just says click on <div title=""></div> for every different cell I click on. The result is a controller_failure in the replay.

Alternatively I have attempted to navigate to the cells using the TAB key. Regrettably teach mode does not seem to record TAB key presses. Also tried to add the use of the TAB key to the description, but that did not help. Any ideas how to properly teach in this case?

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Great to be in the beta. Can’t wait to see this rabbit cook!


Special thanks to the rabbit-team and you @simon to have the opportunity to be a part of the beta program. :+1:

My tests will begin tomorrow.:muscle:


I have a question. If I want to go to a site to have the latest thing like and episode of something; do i just teach to the right page or do I include the link for the current episode as well? Would the process send beta to that same episode and not the latest moving forward??

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Unfortunately, Teach Mode in the UK is impossible, because web pages are so slow to load. I am trying to log in here: https://myaccount.gwr.com/MyAccount/SignIn, but the page takes ages to load, then has the “Sign In to your account” button missing. This reproduces the same on several attempts.


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