The Individual plan will rise from $11 to $12, the Duo plan from $15 to $17, and the Family plan from $17 to $20 monthly. However, student subscribers will continue to pay $6 monthly.
Ugh. Bet they don’t pay artists more though
They don’t even do anything new. Pretty scummy company tbh
This would be the only justification that would work for me at this point, but I’m not holding out hope.
Recently they became even more artist unfriendly by implementing a minimum cap to get paid at all. So you don’t get any royalties, no matter how meagre, until you surpass that number of plays.
It is disappointing… I have to find a way to move all my Spotify play history somewhere else… thinking Apple now that Rabbit supports it…
If anyone has any suggestions I am happy to learn … I perplexitied this just yesterday.
I don’t think you will be able to get you play history, but there are services that allow you to move playlists between services.
Just like netflix. I canceled netflix and went back to downloading movies in Minecraft to save money. I keep spotify though because of my car.
We all need to save money . Don’t understand why rabbit can’t link to free accounts . It worked with suno
Bring on YouTube Music!