Today I tried teaching Teach Mode to send an email with gmail. Nothing fancy, just new email, using a name from the address book, subject, message body.
I can’t get it to work in the replay. It manages to open the mail form and enter the recipient name, but then fails (usually with a controller failure). No amount of annotations or variations has helped so far. This surprises me because I could get it to work with LAM Playground.
Also, google logs off every 5 minutes or so now and Teach Mode can’t log back on. So it needs manual logging on every time I try to use it (not very practical).
Has anyone managed to successfully setup a lesson in teach mode to send an email through gmail?
Yeah, there’s definitely something a little funky right now with TM and sending an email with gmail, at least in my recent experience.
I’m running into this too, at exactly the same spot. Thing is, the lesson worked fine last week, and I sent a bunch of emails no problem. Now, it fails while trying to click compose.
Even tried re-creating a new lesson - worked fine during the teaching part, but afterwards it fails every time when going for the compose.
This seems to be working now. Assuming whatever they did in getting ready for un-flubbed whatever it is, but just tried it a few times for a few test emails and worked fine each time.
Good to hear it is working for you. I tried to run the lesson again and it does now find the compose button but fails on entering the subject. I’ll try to record the lesson again this weekend.