Scrolling Improvements

I’d like to see more velocity/momentum to scrolling. Flick vs controlled scroll. Similar to how it would work on a phone, but with the wheel. Not sure how possible this would be to execute but I’d like to see the scrolling be a bit more dynamic.


That gets a vote from me :slight_smile:


This! In addition to this, I’d love to see long form text replies scroll freely instead of being locked to segments.


Flick vs controlled scroll would so wonders for figuring out the sensitivity of the device’s scrolling.

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You mean that the scroll speed on screen should be dependent on the wheel’s speed ? Like if you move slowly it moves gradually from one item to the next, but with a bigger movement it scrolls faster (proportionally to the movement speed)?

I find using scroll very frustrating. There seems to be a lot of lag. It also doesn’t help that the wheel is so smooth. A little knurl would have been helpful.