Rabbit Hole as PWA

So on my mac, I have Rabbit Hole as a PWA on my doc using the new Safari PWA feature and I was thinking it would be really nice to have the same kind of treatment on mobile so when I add it to my homescreen on iOS, it opens up like an app rather than just a new tab in mobile Safari. Again, not asking for a dedicated app or anything but it would make for a more seamless experience when I want to pull it up to show people the Magic Photo I just took :slight_smile:

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Chrome does this on my PC. Maybe load the chrome app and try it from there.
Screenshot 2024-06-03 153416

Safari on Mac does it perfectly, I was just speaking specifically about iOS Safari.

There’s a chrome extension that can turn any website into a PWA.
If I can remember what that extension is, will share here / update this reply…

Hmm yeah I misunderstood. Simon told me the forum is made on Discourse. You can download the app which is basically a web wrapper.

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Yep, DiscourseHub app should be available on both Android and iOS.

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