I think maybe if it is possible someone had suggested a way to let each other know we passed someone with a R1 which could be really fun tamagotchi uses either WiFi or something to scan both WiFi for characters and connect to other users it’s very rudimentary but it works and is a lot of fun also perhaps we could also get maybe backdrops and things to make the screen feel more cozy and lively like idk a galaxy backdrop a concert type backdrop maybe a castle or town home etc… for games I think i would say definitely at the top and I would think not to difficult would be the tamagotchi like game mentioned I swear by it. If I had to shoot a new idea out tho I think perhaps 21 or some type of rhythm game using touch screen and the other controls oooh even better a puzzle type game that uses the other controls and maybe even voice and touch screen to solve like maybe it’s some sort of action or RPG type game that like when you get to a locked door and there is a password you have to say it and it unlocks? I pretty sure in gaming that feature alone would be rare sight to see and have so many have em all oooh a animal catching one would be fun but perhaps that can tie in with the Tamagotchi style or the R VERSE use whatever you want I put out there just please VPET and um… I wanna say thank you all Cuz I felt heard with what y’all already did just being honest much love to the team I am literally playing with it more and more just to get things for my little guy I kinda wanna try offline and see what happens if the stuff I got him goes away or if I’m able to still play the game.
Well the way I see it Rabbit has the opportunity to like possibly push and reinvent the VPET category as this would be the smartest VPET truly or it’s a AI you take care of and we’ll just get to know and get closer with hence I think our rabbits should be able to get more personal etc… it just needs to implement games of some sort and some more customization which it’s done really great job doing it so far and the clever idea of a gachapon like that’s fantastic pull more ideas like that and I’d love to play/use the R1.
YAY ha I know I do it at every chance I get they probably annoyed with me by now but I mean what a great device to really idk find its niche and it could do it well like that while bringing in new users that maybe only come for one or two of the features it brings. Im excited to see what they do the R-cade going forward.