Push twice from sleep to open up vision and other ideas

I would love to see when you just pick up your rabbit to have it open vision if you straight away push the button twice. I find myself accidentally turning it on and off before getting to the camera.

Also please have it take a photo the second that you push the button when holding as a lot of the time I have tried to ask it about something only for that something to have gone before i have finished asking about it and it then takes a photo. (Moving objects like cars or animals as well as things on screens or displays.)


Both are excellent ideas. Both of these keep me from capturing items for vision analysis sometimes.

Capture the picture at the moment you hold the ptt to ask the question. That is exactly the thing!

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I would love to see these passed along to @rabbit :eyes:

noted down for our team! thank you for the suggestions @RabbitFantastic

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So annoying that i go to show someone the camera and then switch it in and out of sleep mode in a flap. :rofl:

And yes, whats this when youre trying to identify something that moves is soooo difficult.