I think it would be nice to be able to pause a voice recording - this would be handy if youre recording a lecture and you want to go out and get a snack during a break or simply wanna say smth off the record.
Suggestion 1:
I think this could be done by swapping the save button to the pause button. one click would pause and pressing and holding for a second saves it. -
Suggestion 2:
a different visual concept that achieves the same thing would be able to select the wheels and press the ptt button this would stop them from spinning and hence pause the recording. pressing and holding would stop it temporarily
( visual version of the following suggestion.) -
Suggestion 3
A super cool Tactile version of this (that uses touch screen) would be to simply tap on the wheel and it would stop until tapped again. or better yet - even more tactile - press and hold which would stop the wheels until you let go!
(i feel like if you did this to a cassette it would break but its still cool)