[No Response] Additions.

If for whatever reason I don’t want my r1 to continue speaking, it would be nice to be able to tell it “be quiet”, “shut up”, or any number of creative phrases.

Whenever a long response is give, I know I can just click the PTT once, but instinctually, I’ll often also say “hey, shut up.” I do this to let a person in real-space with me know that I respect them, and I did not condone the r1 to continue speaking.

It would be nice to override the LLM response by having the r1 respond with nothing or just a little ‘okay’ gesture on the screen. Alternatively, setting the volume to 0% would be nice for just that response. I’ll send in a diagram in a few hours.



How would this be achieved given that when r1 is responding, it is no longer listening?

You’d have to hold the button and say it, which should already end the first conversation.

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Oh! The intent is moreso for when I use the PTT to tell it to be quiet. This function would be here so it doesn’t respond to “hey, be quiet” with “Understood; It seems you do not want to continue with our conversation. If you ever have any more questions or need assistance, feel free to reach back. See you!”

When I ask it to be quiet, it would be nice for the r1 to understand that means it shouldn’t respond to the request to be quiet with a verbal acknowledgment of the task to be quiet. However, an on screen response without sound would be acceptable, as well as an acknowledgement emote [concept above].

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I’ve added the graphic

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I agree the R1 should not respond with ‘understood’ when asking it to stop, just an acknoledgement on screen would be better.

But it shouldn’t trigger on accident… like many other actions like saving a note and finding places does.

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