If for whatever reason I don’t want my r1 to continue speaking, it would be nice to be able to tell it “be quiet”, “shut up”, or any number of creative phrases.
Whenever a long response is give, I know I can just click the PTT once, but instinctually, I’ll often also say “hey, shut up.” I do this to let a person in real-space with me know that I respect them, and I did not condone the r1 to continue speaking.
It would be nice to override the LLM response by having the r1 respond with nothing or just a little ‘okay’ gesture on the screen. Alternatively, setting the volume to 0% would be nice for just that response. I’ll send in a diagram in a few hours.
Oh! The intent is moreso for when I use the PTT to tell it to be quiet. This function would be here so it doesn’t respond to “hey, be quiet” with “Understood; It seems you do not want to continue with our conversation. If you ever have any more questions or need assistance, feel free to reach back. See you!”
When I ask it to be quiet, it would be nice for the r1 to understand that means it shouldn’t respond to the request to be quiet with a verbal acknowledgment of the task to be quiet. However, an on screen response without sound would be acceptable, as well as an acknowledgement emote [concept above].