The weather and measurement units are supposed to be linked to the chosen language/region.
However, a test in the Netherlands with the English (UK) setting gave me distance in kilometers, while the UK uses the British Imperial System = miles.
I’m assuming this could be a bug!
• English (Australia) is Celsius and Metric.
• English (UK) is Celsius and Imperial.
• English (USA) is Fahrenheit and Imperial.
We in the uk use both imperial and metric measurements but some like myself prefer imperial the younger generation those born after 1970 would use metric or both but those born in the 80s use metric anyone before the above dates would use imperial because metric is a pain but we have to know a bit about it😂
Yea… we chatted about this internally during development and agree… tying it to language isn’t a great long term solution. That being said, our choices were:
do nothing with celsius until project pygmy chupacabra is complete
tie measurements to languages as best we can
So - we went with this.
FYI - I think I saw a code change that aligns with what @nzwaneveld mentioned… but I’m not 100% certain.
FYI #2 - I realize I’ve never used that phrase here before… there is no “project pygmy chupacabra”… I just meant a hypothetical project… I didn’t leak anything… don’t tell on me… I love my job
It used to remember the settings mind your that was at the beginning when the r1 came out last year, looks like that needs to be sorted it could do with a toggle switch in the settings for temperature and measurements that give your the option to have what is best for the user like F and km. the other on going problem is the kmph, mph, etc it sometimes says them correctly other times it just mixes them to so new word it’s created it’s been doing this since conception I think. I must admit that over the past few months the r1 has come on leaps and bounds since I got mine in early 2024. The big problem for me now is picking the voice I want I keep tweaking the voices but they are not consistent and you can’t go back to the previous one. But it’s new so I suspect it will be sorted.
I.m.h.o., the easiest way to resolve this is to create localization settings on the r1.
Start by adding temperature (C/F) and distance units (imperial/metric).
Later on, you can consider adding number formatting (decimal comma / point) and date formatting (DD/MM/YY - MM/DD/YY - YY/MM/DD - DD-MM-YY - MM-DD-YY - YY-MM-DD). @mattdomko
For example:
Regardless of my location, I want to use my own language with Celsius, metric distance units, decimal comma, and the date format DD/MM/YY.
Colleagues in the same location may want to see use English with Celsius, metric distance units, decimal point, and the date format MM/DD/YY.
When I am traveling (which I do frequently for business) I want to be able to switch to local weather & distance units while keeping my own language setting.