On and off for the past few months I have been learning notion in the hope that r1 can do a little bit of work for me.
I would say I put in over 30 hours into learning and building what I want.
Then I set out over the last few days to use rabbit to add a new project to a list in a data base. It failed.
Then I made a button in notion to do a few of the steps, did teach mode and it looked to be successful but then failed. I just needed it to click a button and enter text. Just failed
Because I am so new to tech mode I can’t see what is going wrong. So I just took it to once since step just to try problem find. Just click the button that adds a new project. Thats it, a single button click. FAIL
I tried and tried for ages and just could not get it to work
With no one in the discord with notion experience I can only say it just doesnt work with notion
So with over 30 hours of learning notion now to fail I am deeply upset.
Can we have some sort of list with websites or appiltactons that work and what doesnt work. Could we have that list in the teach mode part of rabbit whole or better yet when we go to the website maybe a pop up warning so maybe others don’t loose the number of hours I did.