LAM Playground Why is it needed

I might be missing the reason for LAM Playground, but why do we need,this and why improve it if the Teach Mode is our goal, or is Playground something different. If I remembered,wasn’t Teach Mode coming this year.

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This is a good question. In my experience of it, I really don’t have time to jump on a computer and load the LAM Playground, then tell it what to do (when I could achieve the same end result much quicker). Hopefully someone from the Rabbit Team can help us both understand the ultimate purpose of LAM Playground. Maybe it’s the foundation to something else they are building that will be very useful for all of humanity.

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It works even if don’t use a laptop…
Purchase a ticket is obviously faster when u do urself but searching for most popular or most whatever topic on Reddit or 4chan is quite useful.
Specially when I r not using those app

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I don’t really know the answer but it seems to me like LAM is the holy Grail. Teach mode seems like I’m trying to guide something while LAM seems like I’m able to think and communicate in a more human way and let LAM use its experience to figure out how to help me on its own. I think of it like when someone joins a new company or a new team or a new culture, you have to explain everything in a very step-by-step fashion but as they gain experience and expertise they can handle more situations they had never seen before.

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Here is a good description of the difference; it seems like the LAM Playground will allow you to play around more; here is the link;


LAM playground and Teach Mode are essentially two different agentic systems. They have different purposes with some overlap, and likely will begin to converge over time.

Think of it this way - you would use Playground when you want something done but don’t necessarily know how to do it, or you think the AI may be able to figure out how to do it better or faster.

You would use Teach Mode when you know exactly how something should be done and it’s a repeatable task that you essentially want to automate.


That makes since, thanks for the respond. Can’t wait for the teach mode.

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