A mode(that we choose to turn on or off), where r1 would keep the camera active, and lightly react to what it sees, the rabbit icon would nod or shake its head, maybe sometimes use text or images depending on the circumstance.
Examples: r1 could watch someone doing homework and could shake its head if they get the answer wrong, if they get it wrong a couple times r1 could display a hint on screen…R1 could watch for a specific hand gesture to take group pics hands free…a person getting ready could show off their shoes or earrings etc to see if r1 thinks they match…could play certain games in this mode like pictionary or rock paper scissors…there could be a setting for the mode where r1 would read any text or describe any picture it’s held close enough to for people with vision differences…those are just some of the uses I’ve thought of.
Id love some amount of hands free assistance, also the persistent presence and reactions would create the illusion of some “autonomy”, which I think would be awesome