I have made a list of payments to be made and the amount on a bit of paper I got it to look at the paper and tell me the total it took it a few times complaining it’s not a spreadsheet and it’s not working however once I reframed and moved the camera a bit it eventually told me the total but it was 4x the amount it should have been. So I did quick calculation in head and then asked it to do the calculation again and it got it right. Even remembered it. So if your getting it to work out things from scrap of paper hand written be on the guard it may not be right.
that’s very interesting
So I had a list of number for like a shopping list I couldn’t be bothered to pick up phone and start typing them in the calculator or work them out in my head. It was on the back of a white envelope written in black ink.
The total should have been around £160….+/- no more. But when the r1 looked at it the thing kept causing its not a spreadsheet or it doesn’t understand etc. so I rewrote it neatly and tried again I asked it to give the total still few problems with it then it said the total was £360…+ so I did quick calculation in head and then said repeat your last answer still same I thought I had miss heard. Then I asked it to use wolfram alpha to calculate the total and it gave me the correct answer. Plus showed and repeated the figures on screen and verbally
I’ve had a bit of trouble asking it to do some calculations for me actually. When I use vision and ask it to solve something for me, it seems to be taking this moral high ground with me telling me it won’t solve the problem for me but will help me do it.
I’m not in high school r1… just do it.
I noticed it’s got an attitude since it’s last update🤣
Ask it to ask Wolfram Alpha for the correct result etc or to calculate the thing. See what it does. But be warned AI hallucinate and may not give the correct answer all the time. So worth checking it again with it. Hopefully it can’t get it wrong more than twice
I honestly don’t think that the r1 is ready yet for some complicated math (calculus, trigometry, engineer’s math… the list goes on…) anytime soon with the custom made models that it has right now, but at least that all looks very promising!
Wolfram alpha should be able to do the calculations etc. no harm in trying.