exclusive board game from me

so i made this physical board game:

the rules are you guys are gonna ask as many questions to r1 as possible in turns and they need r1 to answer as many as possible correct questions within 60 seconds. the one who have most points wins. so instead of asking each other questions in a game you ask r1 and because there is a timer at 60 seconds its limited to how many questions you can get. lets say you play in 3 rounds (or your choice) of this the winner is simply the one being lucky to have r1 answering most questions with in 60 sec. you have to mix (of your choice 2 card categories in each of the stack placements on the board.


happy playings!

family time board game GIF


Very cool!

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Thank you!

Wow! Love it!

This idea inspired me to create a variation to the triva game described by @Foxplaid19973

In this version, the r1 generates all of the questions. Here are the prompts that I used:

1st prompt (creates a note in the rabbithole): )“Let’s create a trivia game together and call it Personal Life Triva. The objective of the game is to get to know more about each other’s personal life.
You ask questions about family, education, work life, spare time, personal use of technology, and challenges faced”

To start the game: “Can we play the game Personal Life Triva from the rabbithole? You choose the question.”

To move on to the next question: “Create a new question”

The game ends when you start using the r1 for something else.

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That is a amazing addition to the game.

I wonder if one could have a question multiplayer game using r1’s online on r1.

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