Just checking here if I hit a bug or just imaging stuff, but I swear that we were able to edit the created notes in our journal but I can not seem to do that anymore.
Currently on my phone, I just created a to do for tomorrow on the R1 but it got some minor mistakes here and there that I wanted to correct.
Would be a shame if it was limited to the computer, as that would force me to repeat the process of creating to-do notes over and over untill the R1 gets it right, with it has a hard time due to non-english elements.
Same here - I notoced that a few days ago. Some months back I could ask the device to remember something and then go to the journal and correct spelling etc in the note. I don’t recall a function to add a new nothe form the journal page though.
I believe this changed when Beta Rabbit became the default. In the old system, I believe it was a bug, so we have since logged it as an actual feature request.
So, is this not coming back, then? I add to a file a lot, and it would be nice. Am I wrong in asking if this can be reversed? I’m still trying to restore the Midjourney images on my device. I sure miss that one unless someone figured out how to do it.
Don’t get me wrong; I appreciate everything R1 can do and has added, but do we have to sacrifice other features for it?
It’s not really the case that we “sacrificed” a feature, although I fully understand from a customer perspective that it feels that way.
It’s more that:
System A had a bug
System A was replaced by System B
System B does not have the same bug
But since what was actually a bug in System A, is considered to be preferred behaviour, we must now try and actually turn what was originally a bug in System A into a feature in System B
I’m not sure if I explained myself correctly, my request was about getting the Midjourney image creation back, so when we ask r1 to create an image it will do this through Midjourney again like before. We just get Midjourney rabbit is under maintenance?