Hey Team,
I have noticed that some commands, even even typed in the Terminal, disable the Terminal, with no seeming connection from the wording itself.
Secret Menu - Enabling the Terminal
Secret - Disabling the Terminal
Also there is a huge issue with Context loss.
For Instance, the Context Test ‘Repeater’ which I created and use for testing memorability from such systems.
After the second (sometimes overlapping and its after three, but rarely!) Prompt following the Information you wish it to keep in mind, or instructions. The Terminal Rabbit loses context to the VIp-Info or Instruction Set. Is this intended?
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Hey @RiggedFish - can you provide a bit more detail? Its not clear how to reproduce what you are describing… but we are eager to fix bugs like this
Same in Italian language (also if for now it is not supported) but I have seen the behaviour you described, more different terms triggers the setting actions, but this particular one that disable terminal it’s really annoying!
Sorry for the late reply!
The Terminal Issue for example is, when in a prompt the words ‘Secret’ are included, it triggers the terminal to shut off/ turn on, the same is when ‘Secret Menu’ is included.
Also it gets stuck sometimes and repeatedly opens settings, when a prompt includes the word ‘Menu’ , no matter what the actual task was
With Context loss:
The Repeater System is designed to check how many consecutive answers an Agent can provide, while adhering to the context of the given task.
It seems that the agend is able to repeat his orders, or follow orders from a task for only two to three consecutive answers, after that, it forgets its original task