While Beta Rabbit or normal rabbit is giving me a long answer and displaying the answer on the screen, if now I want to increase the volume with PTT + scroll-wheel while the answer is being read out which is SUCH A COMMON thing that can happen, Beta Rabbit just stops. The screen goes to the Home Screen and I loose the answer displayed in the screen. Now I did notice that Beta Rabbit makes sure to finish the sentence before stopping too soon that’s great, but a volume change should not stop the current process. And much less the most important process. PLEASE FIX THIS.
I have noticed this too, when I try to adjust mid response and its too low or someone starts talking I am out or luck till ends unless I want to end it right away.
Good call out
Yes, this happened to me two times already. A perfect solution would be able to change the volume with just the wheel. PTT+wheel when the system is idle / wheel alone when rabbit is talking
This is still something that needs to be adressed!
I thought about that being really intuitive too, but it is also used for scrolling the text.
Ptt+scroll should still work…
I think it might be technically challenging to make the rabbit listen instantly when pressing the ptt and at the same time make it possible to make ptt+scroll just change the volume.
Is this on the radar as an issue? @simon
How would you handle scrolling text with this solution?
The scroll is automatic so we can discard that. Or maybe add an option to scroll with the touch screen. Or even keep the scroll with the wheel and put a volume widget on the screen for us to change it with a touch.
Hey Jorge,
I think you misunderstood. This topic is not about the scrolling of the content on screen, rather about increasing or decreasing the volume while the content is being read out by rabbit during a response. Currently the way to increase the volume is to press down PTT and the scroll the wheel, but if you try that while rabbit is answering its not going to work, the response gets interrupted the moment you press the PTT. However it is crucial to have a way to increase and decrease volume while response is being read out, because it’s a sucha common everyday scenario to occur where we realise we need more volume while the rabbit is speaking.
I believe Jorge knows… He is talking about a solution for it. @aavirash
I didn’t misunderstand. I directly replied to Designer’s message about scrolling, related to my previous suggestion of changing the volume with just the wheel. That why I suggested this way of using the scroll while being able to modify the volume with the wheel, or keep the way we scroll now but add a touch interface for the volume using the touch screen.
Ah! Alright.
Touchscreen could actually be a great solution!
There are apps that use areas on the screen for brightness and volume like for example Netflix. Maybe it would work if you first had to hold for a moment.
Edit: this idea is pretty dumb
Would be a waste to have a permanent volume UI element…
Hold (2s) + swipe up or down might work from anywhere on the screen.
But it shouldn’t make swiping through cards any harder.
That is also a great alternate solution actually. And also keep in mind we need it even more now that the new navigation for settings is being introduced. Because befor the main hack for this issue was the shake in and shake out to go to volume during a response, now that option won’t be there as shake ins ne out is phone soon