Adobe Suite navigator

I’m a Graphic Design and I use Adobe daily. I use key shortcuts but that can only get me so far.

I would love if Rabbit could navigate for me. You would hit the button and say
“Switch to the pen tool”
“Group the top 3 layers”
“Move (fill-in-the-blank) layer over to the left 100 pixels”
"Make (fill-in-the-blank) element dark red, 50% opacity, with a 5 pixel drop shadow "
The possibilities could be endless


I’m also a Designer of wide range :slight_smile: Your request is too specific.
I think this would be possible when “teach mode” will be available. Actually that’s why I bought it…with the idea to teach it to build a UI in figma, combing voice prompts with figma AI and design systems :slight_smile: I hope next year we ll enjoy this freedom or not…

PS: Look for key board shortcuts, and memorize them. it will be much faster and efficient in work then use prompts or check TourBox. I use it with photoshop, figma, even Zbrush and Blender. You can bind any shorcuts

I was assuming my request would be a lot to ask, but it does sound possible with teach mode. That is also why I bought the Rabbit. When I saw the teach mode demo, I was like “That is the future”. I’m hoping we can share our teach mode with other users. Staying open and transparent can really bring this device to the top. Thank you for the video and shortcuts tips!

And don’t forget about old school “Actions” in photoshop. It’s a kind of a “teach mode” inside of photoshop. So you can pre-made them for your purpose and on december or whenever Rabbit’s teach mode will be available, you just teach it to search and execute your pre-made actions or even create new ones :slight_smile:

Hell ya, that’s what I was imagining “Actions” but through Rabbit. That’s smart pre-making the actions for teach mode down the line. Dude, this has been really helpful.