About the all things rabbit category

rabbit, the r1, and future products :rabbit:

I use the rabbit probably 2 or 3 times daily at my job for translating it’s came in quite handy and works very well with my hotspot on my phone


I am only asking this as a purely hypothetical question.
Assume that I present an image to Rabbit r1 and follow that prompt with a question of varied difficulty (Pre-School to Post Graduate). What percentage of results are expected within acceptable degrees of accuracy among the various levels of complexity?

For example. An image is presented of the sunset. What percent of questions asked by a random population of Pre-School students would be answered accurately…et cetera?

What would be the maximum definition of complexity determinable by the Language/Action models used to train Rabbit r1? Are these definitions of complexity computable and can they be graduated so that this complexity gradient is an acceptable median of monitoring AI?

i really hope you guys had the capacity to suck in “all the experience” from the users and glue together a perfect device that can become the next device you really wanna have

Well, recently I had a complex question and answer test to do at work, its annual, its done at home with no one looking at me, so you know, I tried to point the rabbit at my pc screen and with no further context ask it to answer the question on the screen…it passed a 2 hr test in 15 minutes - only reason it took 15 mins was as each screen had to be pictured, so I then went to voice input. It gave 2 answers that were deemed incorrect, but when asking why in context, I agreed personally that another answer could be correct, ie - I did not really think the question itself was particularly accurate in its language. Language is very important. And so, my experience is highly accurate. Its not infallible, but if you take time to give more context or even ask it why it gave a certain answer, 90% of your wrong answer will be from inaccurate input. I did blow someone away when this guy walked into the vape store I was in and was friends with the manager in the store, who I knew. He was in a band, a signed band and I asked him the name of the band. I know music, but had not heard of them from my home town : He said have I heard of them, I said no but my friend here will…place rabbit on counter and it gave full info including band members including the guy who was standing there with his mouth open.

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