I asked R1 to identify and list the titles and authors of the books on my shelf. It said it could not because that would go against its instructions. I’m wondering about this. It would be super useful to have this feature. It seems doable since you can take a photo of really small text on a screen and it can identify all that text at a small size. Am I missing something here or prompting wrong?
Love the use case, so keen to follow this.
Will test it here too at a later time.
Might be something related to copyright issues.
I bought a book by mistake in another language and i tried take a picture of the first page and ask the r1 if he can translate it and it refused to translate everything but made a little explanation about the main subject in it.
Other things that show up was that r1 said the subject is not ethical and that he will not translate. Subject was about the clubbing scene back in the days.
I mean whats the problem here? We can easy take a picture with our phones of anything with text and now you can select all, translate, use the text etc … why for r1 is not possible?